Main Street Author

Gain the Ultimate Edge:
How a Short Book Sets You Apart in a Competitive Market

In a world where digital noise is at an all-time high, standing out is not just hard—it's a must for survival.

Gaining expert recognition isn't a luxury; it's the key to rise above the noise and beat the competition.

This is especially true if you are a consultant, coach, speaker, or professional service provider in sectors like real estate, legal, health and wellness, or just about any other competitive field.

Traditional marketing is not enough - You've probably invested time and money into SEO, Pay-Per-Click, and social media ads. But let's be honest, these tactics only get you found; they don't make you unforgettable.

Just getting prospects to find you isn’t enough…

Visibility does not equate to credibility… 

The stark reality? Being found online simply puts you in a lineup with your competitors. What you need is to become the obvious choice.

What so many business owners and even marketing consultants neglect is the other, equally important part of the equation.  While SEO and digital ads might get you noticed, they fall short in convincing prospects to “CHOOSE YOU.” 

Think about it—people can find a dozen service providers with a quick Google search. But do they know how to pick the real estate agent, chiropractor, accountant, or attorney that’s right for them? Not really.

There's one thing they do know though: they want to work with an “Expert.

Being seen as that 'Expert' is your ticket to standing out. And nothing screams 'EXPERT' louder than being the author of your own book.

Having your own book has proven to be one of the most powerful tools for creating Instant Credibility and Trust ...

Positioning YOU As The Authority
In Your Market!

If you’re ready to claim your authority -  then keep reading...


We've cracked the code on turning your expertise into a tangible asset… that doesn't just showcase what you know - but actively elevates your authority and funnels new clients to your business.

The Main Street Short Book

A Main Street Short Book isn't just pages with words; it's your stamp of authority, your badge of expertise. The moment you have a book to your name, you're not just another face in the crowd; you are THE FACE - of the solution your prospects desperately want and need.

Our unique book creation system follows a very specific direct-response marketing formula that produces books that are:

  • Results driven… 
  • Focused on a single topic…
  • Designed to be read in about an hour…
  • Full of helpful bite-sized chunks of information…
  • Easy to read…
  • Easy to share…


You see, instead of bombarding readers with a 300-page information dump to trudge through, you're delivering a concise, valuable resource focused on their specific issue - guiding them to take "the next step" with you.

Keep in mind that we’re not talking about writing a textbook or Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.  We are simply helping your potential customers make the decision to choose you by being an Educator and Advocate for their success. 

The Power of Short Results-Driven Books

With over six decades of combined marketing and book publishing experience -the Main Street Author Team team has put in the hard yards to create a formula that produces books without bloat -  meaning they don't contain a bunch of fluff and unnecessary filler content.

Why is that important? In an age of information overload, we're all craving content that's both succinct and substantial.

If you haven’t noticed, there's a growing trend towards consuming bite-sized, highly focused content. Look around, and you'll see this shift everywhere.

TED Talks: The epitome of impactful messaging, shows us that 18 minutes is the sweet spot—long enough to matter, short enough to captivate and hold attention by concisely presenting one big idea.

Amazon's Short Reads: Did you know Amazon has categories and best-seller lists dedicated to books that can be read in just 15, 30, 45,60, and 90 minutes? These books offer valuable insights without requiring a long commitment. Readers are eating it up!

Short-Form Video: Just like TikTok, Facebook-Instagram reels, and YouTube shorts have revolutionized the way we consume video content, short, focused books are setting a new standard in the reading world.

Your Main Street Short Book fits perfectly into this trend. It's not just a book;  it's a strategic asset aligned with consumer behavior - Giving readers exactly what they're craving

The Ultimate Business Card

A Main Street Short Book is indeed the Ultimate Business Card...

... but unlike regular business cards that generally get thrown away... 

... a book has a high perceived value, especially with the $9.99 price printed right on the cover... prospects actually appreciate the gift... so they don't end up in the trash…

...and even better.. they get passed on to others.

The Ultimate Referral Tool

When prospects and customers…  sell you to other prospects and customers it’s simply the most powerful promotion of all... 

Providing valuable and easy-to-understand information in a book… makes it easy for people to share your message with others.

It’s just human nature… when people know the person who wrote the book… they will tell everyone they know who is dealing with the problem that your book solves…

…Word-of-mouth advertising just can’t be replaced…  

Your Main Street Short Book enables word of mouth better than just about any other marketing.

Gain the Ultimate Edge:
How a Short Book Sets You Apart in a Competitive Market

Positioning YOU As The Authority
In Your Market!

If you’re ready to claim your authority -  then keep reading...

It's the part of the marketing equation that so many business owners and even marketing consultants neglect.

The fact is, most people have no idea how to pick a real estate agent, chiropractor, accountant, or attorney.

One thing they do know…they want to work with an “Expert.”

When prospects see you as the “Expert,” it makes it easy for them to choose you over the competition.

Why A Book?

One of the most powerful and proven ways to create INSTANT CREDIBILITY, TRUST, and EXPERT positioning is to be the author of your own book!

A book instantly conveys the message that you are knowledgeable, capable and confident in yourself and your topic.

If you think that writing a book is beyond your reach, well guess what…so do your competitors.

That’s why having your own book is such a powerful way to stand out from your competition.

You see, writing a book is something very few actually accomplish. In fact, most of the population don’t think it’s something they can achieve. They get overwhelmed just thinking about how to begin.

That’s when most people start looking for excuses to quit before they even start.

Maybe you feel the same way, too!

It’s certainly understandable. Writing a book the traditional way can be a frustrating, expensive, and time-consuming process.



Adam Weber

Adam Weber

author of The Appraisal Review Survival Guide

"As soon as I heard about Mike’s shooks, I knew it was the perfect type of book for me to write as my first book. Mike has made the authoring process simple and fast, and I know my prospective clients appreciate the quick read. I have used my first shook as the primary marketing piece for my ‘Dream 100’ list of clients and have just finished my second shook on easy meditation tips for business owners."

Amir Siddiqui

Amir Siddiqui

author of Million Dollar Fitness Secrets

"As Dubai’s highest paid fitness trainer with locations in Dubai and Miami, I have little time to waste, which is I why I decided to work with Mike and publish Million Dollar Fitness Secrets. His step-by-step process made getting my shook done fast and simple. If you’re a bricks and mortar business owner and want to write a book for your business, Mike Capuzzi is your man."

Doug Brown

Doug Brown

co-author of Becoming Your Patients’ Hero

“It never occurred to me that I could write a book nor that I had material that would appeal to our dentist target clients. Thankfully, I first listened to Mike Capuzzi’s teaching on the subject of short books and then made the decision to work with him to create one. My co-author and I are glad we did. Mike guided us (and prodded us) during the entire process. Working with him to create the plan, content and final book was easy and fast. I highly recommend any serious business owner who wants to get a client-attraction book done to work with Mike.”

Jeff Giagnocavo

Jeff Giagnocavo

author of 77 High Impact, Low Budget Tips to Sell More Mattresses Easily

“I can say with 100% confidence, none of this would have happened had I not made that one small decision to seek out Mike Capuzzi. If you believe you and your business are destined for greater things and to have a bigger impact, Mike is a person you need to follow and do what he says.”

Julie Steinbacher

Julie Steinbacher

author of the You’re Not Alone series of shooks

“Mike Capuzzi is a man of integrity and exceptional insights and ideas. He also has that special character trait of actually doing what he says he is going to do. Finding key strategic partners for one’s business is one of the surest and safest ways to growing and creating an even more successful businessm and you cannot do wrong by partnering with Mike Capuzzi.”

Dr. Kevin Flood

Dr. Kevin Flood, DDS

author of Are Your Teeth Toxic?

“I’ve been a client of Mike’s for years and when he announced the opportunity to work with him to publish a short book, I immediately said yes because I know his level of professionalism and expertise are top-notch. Ironically, at the same time as his announcement, another book-publishing expert was trying to get me to work with her, but like I said, as soon as I found out Mike was offering this service, my decision was made.”

Matthew Petruso

Matthew Petruso

author of Medicare Made-to-Order

“I met Mike at a marketing conference and immediately realized he was the guy who could help me get the book I wanted to write finally done. Within three months of meeting Mike, my first shook, Medicare Made-to-Order is done and already helping me generate quality prospect leads for my agency. One of the best things about working with Mike were the weekly calls with me, which kept me on track and moving forward. Mike and his shook-publishing service get my highest recommendation!”

Nigel Moore

Nigel Moore

author of Package Price Profit

“I love the concept of shooks because not only are they easy to write, much easier to write for us as authors, but it means the people who are reading them are more likely to get through them. I’ve already have my manuscript sent out to about 15 of my clients as a bit of a ‘testing’. Every one of them said 'Hey, I was able to get to the end,’ and that’s the magic of shooks!”

Sukuma Avery

Sukuma Avery

author of The Magic of Tradeshowmanship

“Mike really cares about the people he works with. We had calls every week to make sure that I was on the right path during the writing process, and when I went off the path at times, Mike got me right back on track. If I had questions or needed an idea, Mike was an email or call away and very responsive. Mike also kept me accountable in getting writing done. After each call, he would give me the next action step in what needed to be done for us to keep moving forward."


Authoring a book to differentiate oneself and one’s business has been an effective strategy for decades, however in a time of ultra-short attention spans and time-strapped schedules most people never finish reading a book they started.

Specifically written for the traditional local business owner, Main Street Author presents a simple and effective alternative which aligns the power and prestige of being an author with today’s consumer reality. Unlike typical “how to be an author” books, Main Street Author focuses on the specific challenges and unique opportunities local business owners have when it comes to authoring and leveraging a short, helpful book or shook™.

Before you think about writing a book for your business, invest an hour of your time and read Main Street Author. It’s short on purpose and will open your eyes to a better, faster and easier type of customer-attraction book for you to create and for your potential customers to read




There are three unique Main Street Author Program options and each is a “work directly with Mike Capuzzi to get my shook done” turnkey program. Everything you need to get the content created and the shook published is included and on average it takes 8–12 weeks from start to finish.

The Basic Option

This publishing program is for the business owner who wants an printed shook with a maximum of 100 pages. This option includes four (4) coaching sessions + four (4) coaching calls with Mike. Mike will guide you with writing the content and then design and print the shooks for your use. See other specifics to this option below.

The Local Option

This publishing option is for the business owner who wants a more comprehensive printed shook (max 140 pages) to use in his or her community. This option includes four (4) coaching sessions + six (6) coaching calls with Mike. Mike will guide you with writing the content and then design and print the shooks for your use. See other specifics to this option below.

The Global Option

This publishing option is for the business owner who has a global audience, and who wants a printed shook and Kindle shook to sell on Amazon and other global retailers. This option includes four (4) coaching sessions + six (6) coaching calls with Mike. Mike will guide you with writing the content and then design and print the shooks for your use. Your shooks will be printed by Amazon. This package includes our exclusive Amazon Book Setup program to ensure your book is set-up correctly on Amazon. See other specifics to this option below.

Regardless of which option you choose, the end result is that you will have your own short, helpful book published specifically for you and your business. 



  • # of Shooks to Be Published
  • Program Duration (in weeks)
  • # of Coaching Sessions
  • # of Coaching Calls w/Mike
  • Private Email Access to Mike
  • Manuscript Copyediting
  • Professional Interior Design
  • Professional Cover Design
  • Maximum Page Count
  • Print Shook Publishing
  • Kindle Shook Publishing
  • 3D Cover Images Included
  • "Flip" Shook Included
  • Amazon Book Setup Included
  • Shook Marketing Training
  • Your Investment

Basic Option

$1,650 /m for 3 months

  • # of Shooks to Be Published 1
  • Program Duration (in weeks) 8-12
  • # of Coaching Sessions 4
  • # of Coaching Calls w/Mike 4
  • Private Email Access to Mike YES
  • Manuscript Copyediting YES
  • Professional Interior Design YES
  • Professional Cover Design YES
  • Maximum Page Count 100
  • Print Shook Publishing YES
  • Kindle Shook Publishing NO
  • 3D Cover Images Included YES
  • "Flip" Shook Included NO
  • Amazon Book Setup Included NO
  • Shook Marketing Training YES
  • Your Investment $4,950

Local Option

$2,500 /m for 3 months

  • # of Shooks to Be Published 1
  • Program Duration (in weeks) 8-12
  • # of Coaching Sessions 4
  • # of Coaching Calls w/Mike 6
  • Private Email Access to Mike YES
  • Manuscript Copyediting YES
  • Professional Interior Design YES
  • Professional Cover Design YES
  • Maximum Page Count 140
  • Print Shook Publishing YES
  • Kindle Shook Publishing NO
  • 3D Cover Images Included YES
  • "Flip" Shook Included YES
  • Amazon Book Setup Included NO
  • Shook Marketing Training YES
  • Your Investment $7,500

Global Option

$3,000 /m for 3 months

  • # of Shooks to Be Published 1
  • Program Duration (in weeks) 8-12
  • # of Coaching Sessions 4
  • # of Coaching Calls w/Mike 6
  • Private Email Access to Mike YES
  • Manuscript Copyediting YES
  • Professional Interior Design YES
  • Professional Cover Design YES
  • Maximum Page Count 140
  • Print Shook Publishing YES
  • Kindle Shook Publishing YES
  • 3D Cover Images Included YES
  • "Flip" Shook Included YES
  • Amazon Book Setup Included YES
  • Shook Marketing Training YES
  • Your Investment $9,000

Main Street Author Program Details

Coaching Sessions

These online and interactive coaching sessions guide you through the fundamentals of authoring your shook.

Coaching Calls

Each program includes coaching and accountability calls with Mike Capuzzi to ensure your success!

Email Access w/ Mike

During the duration of the publishing program, you will have email access to Mike Capuzzi for questions, etc.

Manuscript Copyediting

We will proofread your final shook manuscript and fix any grammar and spelling issues we find.

Shook Interior Design

Each program includes a professionally designed interior that will make your shook easy to read and look great!

Shook Cover Design

Each program includes a professionally designed cover that will make your shook grab attention and look great!

Print Shook Publishing

All programs include a professionally printed paperback-style shook to be printed by book printer or Amazon.

"Flip" Shook

We will turn your final shook into an interactive "flip" shook version for online use.

Kindle Shook Publishing

The Global Publishing option includes the development of a Amazon Kindle and ePub versions.

3D Cover Images

We will create a set of print-ready 3D cover images for your use in marketing and promotion.

Amazon Book Setup

The Global Publishing option includes our exclusive Amazon Book Setup Optimization program.

Shook Marketing Training

Knowing how to use your shook effectively is critical. This video training will show you all the smart ways to leverage your shook.



"Thank you for your course. Previously, I wrote a book and really did not know what I was doing. Since then they have stayed in the box. With your roadmap, I know what I am doing and what direction to go. I would not have been able to do this without your help."

—David Wingate, Esq.

If you are a roll-up-your-sleeves, do-it-yourself type person and for the time being you don’t want my personal help with authoring your shook, you will want to check out a comprehensive, detailed training I created just for you. The Main Street Author Roadmap. This in-depth, five-part video training includes:

  • The Power of Being a Main Street Author
  • An Introduction to Shooks
  • How to Author Your Shook
  • How to Publish Your Shook
  • How to Leverage Your Shook

Click the button below to get instant access to The Main Street Author Roadmap.



Mike has been helping Main Street business owners create more effective marketing for the past 25 years. He is an expert at helping local business owners author and leverage customer-attraction short, helpful books. To discuss how a shook can work in your business, schedule a complimentary Shook Strategy Session by clicking the button below.

Mike is the author of several shooks written specifically for Main Street business owners who are looking for actionable and effective ways to advertise, market and promote their business. He has authored Dream, Inc., 3 Steps to Incredible Response, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Marketing With PURLs, High Impact Marketing Manifesto, Just Do This, Main Street Author and WIN WIN WIN. He is the co-author of The Ultimate Success Secret with Dan Kennedy. Learn more at

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