Thanks for your interest in Main Street Author
Before scheduling I’d like you to know….
This is NOT a sales call
Think of it as a two-way interview to make sure we agree Main Street Author is a good match for your goals.
Maybe we are meant to work together. Maybe not. But we can't know unless you and I have this first, critical conversation.
I’ll ask you some questions, and you can ask me some questions (in fact, as many questions as you want). And then, we can go from there.
This is typically a 15-minute call, however, we will stay on until you’re satisfied you are ready to work with me or you simply want to move on.
That’s it.
There is no obligation on your part.
I am a firm believer you are uniquely qualified to be working with certain people—not everybody but people who “get” you and what you and your business stand for.
We feel the same about our business, and for us to see if we are a good fit, I have found these calls to be the ideal litmus test. It will give us a chance to “meet” and see if working together makes sense.
Mike Capuzzi
Main Street Author

Mike Capuzzi